World Languages Department

The Mission of TMI's World Languages Department is to prepare our motivated students to communicate with respect and cultural understanding in more than one language, accomplishing such preparation through a curriculum that incorporates linguistics, literature, culture and history as well as offering our students opportunities to interact with outside communities to use the target language.    

Communication through language is at the core of the entire human experience. How human societies cluster together in language families brings a beautiful kaleidoscope of vitality to our world cultures. What languages to focus study on is an ongoing discussion. Do we study other languages for economic benefit or to gain experiences that enrich our lives?

At TMI Episcopal we have chosen Latin and Spanish as our world languages of study. Latin has been offered at TMI since 1893. It is the mother language of Western society and the basis for so much of our modern culture. Our Latin classes are small, close knit and quite active in local and national competitions.

Spanish is the language of study for 75% of our students, the native language of a number of our students and the first European language of Texas. Students want to study Spanish at TMI for the reality of local history and our proximity to Mexico. Our Spanish teachers’ goal is to get students speaking and comprehending from the first level. We are proud to have a good number of students study Spanish beyond the required courses.

World Languages Long-Term Transfer Goals:
What World Languages long-term transfer goals should all TMI Episcopal graduates achieve?
  • Understand and appreciate other cultures and experience them through travel and through active engagement in the community and abroad.
  • Demonstrate comfort and confidence communicating in a second language.
  • Communicate effectively in the second language in multiple settings and various types of audiences.
  • Display appropriate cultural understanding when communicating in the second language.
  • Apply linguistic knowledge to deepen understanding of a second language.
  • Value productive struggle and the process of acquiring a new language.
  • Make interdisciplinary and etymological connections within and between languages to become a more engaged global citizen.

World Languages

  • AP Latin

    This course is designed to prepare students for the AP Latin Caesar/Vergil Advanced Placement exam. Emphasis will be placed on close reading, literal translation, and contextual analysis of the selections of Caesar’s Commentarii De Bello Gallico and Vergil’s Aeneid included on the AP Latin syllabus, in addition to reading other Latin authors such as Cicero, Livy, Ovid and Catullus at sight, scansion of dactylic hexameter, and attention to idiomatic expressions and literary figures. Instruction will range from close grammatical analysis of passages to broader discussions of themes found in the literature, such as Roman values, Roman views on leadership and duty, relations between humans and gods, war and empire, and other cultural and historical topics.  Placement is based on teacher recommendation.
  • AP Spanish Literature & Culture

    This one year course is designed for fluent Spanish speakers with excellent vocabulary and grammar usage. The object of this class is to introduce students to a wide variety of Hispanic authors in prose and poetry. Works will be analyzed in depth so that the students are comfortable discussing different authors. Methods used for the class include: reading, essays, group discussions and short presentations. All students enrolled in this class must take the nationally administered AP exam in May. Students who perform well on the exam may receive college credit and/or placement into advanced college courses. Departmental approval is required.  Placement is based on departmental approval.
  • AP Spanish Language & Culture

    This two semester course is designed to carry students further in their development of advanced language skills while deepening their insight into Hispanic culture through exposure to the works of modern writers. Grammar is reviewed, and selections from Spanish and Latin American literature are studied. The development of oral proficiency is emphasized throughout the course, which culminates in the nationally-administered AP Exam in May. Students who perform well on this exam may receive college credit and/or placement into advanced courses in college. Placement is based on departmental approval
  • Exploratory Latin - Q1

    Exploratory Latin (Quarter Rotation) Exposure to Latin for the first time will stress vocabulary, Roman history, culture and geography. This course will be less grammar intensive but will serve as a way to excite young students about the wonderful advantages to studying the lingua franca of the classical world and the endless connections to modern English and to western culture. This is a one-quartercourse, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Exploratory Latin - Q2

    Exploratory Latin (Quarter Rotation) Exposure to Latin for the first time will stress vocabulary, Roman history, culture and geography. This course will be less grammar intensive but will serve as a way to excite young students about the wonderful advantages to studying the lingua franca of the classical world and the endless connections to modern English and to western culture. This is a one-quarter course, which rotates with Introduction to Spanish 6th grade and Computer Applications. Middle School Course Descriptions 2018-2019 
  • Exploratory Latin - Q3

    Exploratory Latin (Quarter Rotation) Exposure to Latin for the first time will stress vocabulary, Roman history, culture and geography. This course will be less grammar intensive but will serve as a way to excite young students about the wonderful advantages to studying the lingua franca of the classical world and the endless connections to modern English and to western culture. This is a one-quartercourse, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Exploratory Latin - Q4

    Exploratory Latin (Quarter Rotation) Exposure to Latin for the first time will stress vocabulary, Roman history, culture and geography. This course will be less grammar intensive but will serve as a way to excite young students about the wonderful advantages to studying the lingua franca of the classical world and the endless connections to modern English and to western culture. This is a one-quartercourse, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Exploratory Spanish - Q1

    Exploratory Spanish (Quarter Rotation) Exploratory Spanish is a dynamic introduction into the heritage language of the Southwest. Culture, music, vocabulary and authentic conversation will leave the students wanting for more. This is a one-quarter course, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Exploratory Spanish - Q2

    Exploratory Spanish (Quarter Rotation) Exploratory Spanish is a dynamic introduction into the heritage language of the Southwest. Culture, music, vocabulary and authentic conversation will leave the students wanting for more. This is a one-quarter course, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Exploratory Spanish - Q3

    Exploratory Spanish (Quarter Rotation) Exploratory Spanish is a dynamic introduction into the heritage language of the Southwest. Culture, music, vocabulary and authentic conversation will leave the students wanting for more. This is a one-quarter course, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Exploratory Spanish - Q4

    Exploratory Spanish (Quarter Rotation) Exploratory Spanish is a dynamic introduction into the heritage language of the Southwest. Culture, music, vocabulary and authentic conversation will leave the students wanting for more. This is a one-quarter course, which rotates with three other offerings in the sixth grade.
  • Introduction to Medical, Scientific and Legal Terminology - Fall

    A systematic introduction to the classical roots of medical, scientific, and legal terminology. Students will acquire a working knowledge of the Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes, along with the principles of word analysis, synthesis, and pronunciation fundamental to understanding and utilizing the specialized languages of medicine, science, and the law. Exposure to relevant aspects of ancient Greco-Roman history and culture will show how the history and evolution of the terms and their use reflects the history and evolution of scientific, medical, and legal thought, thus fostering acquisition. Although students will be working primarily with Latin and Greek terms, no background knowledge of these languages is required. Students must recognize that because they are essentially learning a new "language," they must be prepared to do the work of acquiring a large vocabulary of words and word components. There are no prerequisites.
  • Introduction to Medical, Scientific and Legal Terminology - Spring

    A systematic introduction to the classical roots of medical, scientific, and legal terminology. Students will acquire a working knowledge of the Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes, along with the principles of word analysis, synthesis, and pronunciation fundamental to understanding and utilizing the specialized languages of medicine, science, and the law. Exposure to relevant aspects of ancient Greco-Roman history and culture will show how the history and evolution of the terms and their use reflects the history and evolution of scientific, medical, and legal thought, thus fostering acquisition. Although students will be working primarily with Latin and Greek terms, no background knowledge of these languages is required. Students must recognize that because they are essentially learning a new "language," they must be prepared to do the work of acquiring a large vocabulary of words and word components. There are no prerequisites.
  • Latin I

    This two semester course concentrates on the mastery of essential Latin grammar, vocabulary, and translation skills while exploring Roman culture. Students become familiar with Roman achievements in art, architecture, and literature, with Roman daily life, and with mythology. Roman influence on our language and world is stressed.
  • Latin I Novice A - MS

    This two semester course focuses on basic elements of Latin and the pervasive influence of Rome’s language on English and of Rome’s civilization on western culture as a whole. A truly interdisciplinary class of language, history, and culture, this course helps students acquire critical thinking skills and improves their attention to detail.  Students also learn beginning vocabulary and grammar principles as well as ancient Roman life and mythology. By the end of this course students are able to read simple Latin stories on their own. Opportunities for local, state, and national academic competitions are also available with enrollment of this course.
  • Latin I Novice B - MS

    This two semester course concentrates on the mastery of essential Latin grammar, vocabulary, and translation skills while exploring Roman culture. Students become familiar with Roman achievements in art, architecture, and literature, with Roman daily life, and with mythology. Roman influence on our language and world is stressed.
  • Latin II

    This two-semester course continues to build upon the linguistic and cultural foundations established in Latin I in order to further construct the necessary framework of vocabulary, grammatical, and syntactical knowledge of the Latin language and the cultural, historical, and literary context of the ancient Greco-Roman world necessary for the comprehension and translation of authentic, un-adapted Latin texts. Emphasis is placed on linguistic connections between Latin and English, reinforcing the significant value of the study of Latin for speakers of English.
  • Latin III

    This two-semester course continues to build upon the linguistic and cultural foundations established in Latin I & II in order to further construct the necessary framework of vocabulary, grammatical, and syntactical knowledge of the Latin language and the cultural, historical, and literary context of the ancient Greco-Roman world necessary for the comprehension and translation of authentic, un-adapted Latin texts. Emphasis in the Fall semester will be on reading Latin stories from Greek mythology from a Roman perspective featuring Hercules and Jason and the Argonauts in adapted Latin prose moving on in the Spring semester to reading and translating un-adapted selections from Vergil’s Aeneid and Julius Caesar’s Gallic War and selected passages from other Roman authors.
  • Latin IV Honors

    This two-semester course continues and extends the foundations established in Latin I-III with emphasis on appreciation of authentic classical literature from prominent authors of the late Roman Republic and early Empire, including such prose authors as Caesar and Cicero, among others, and such poets as Catullus, Vergil, Horace and Ovid. The historical, cultural, and literary context of each author will be highlighted. Studies in Latin meter accompany the poetry reading and analysis. This course serves the dual purpose of preparing students for the rigor and attention-to-detail required to be well prepared for the AP Latin course as well as providing an enrichment course for those who prefer to pursue further Latin study without the restrictions of the AP Latin syllabus. Accordingly, adjustments will be made by the instructor in order to meet student needs. Placement is based on departmental approval
  • Spanish 1 - Heritage A - MS

    This course is for 7th grade students who are Spanish heritage speakers or with a dual-language program immersion and fluent in the Spanish language. The course focuses on developing their writing skills in Spanish, understanding the grammar in context, and expanding their Spanish vocabulary.
    Prerequisite: Dual-language program or heritage speakers
  • Spanish 1 Heritage B- MS

    This course is for 8th grade students who are Spanish heritage speakers or with a dual-language program immersion and fluent in the Spanish language. The course focuses on mastering proficiency and developing critical thinking. The students in this course will develop their writing skills in Spanish, understand the grammar in context, and broaden their vocabulary.
    Prerequisite: Dual-language program or heritage speakers
  • Spanish I Novice A

    This course focuses on the introduction and development of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in Spanish at a novice mid level according to the ACTFL standards. The students develop these skills through proficiency-oriented language instruction, which involves providing personalized and comprehensible input through stories, questioning, and readings, so that the brain acquires Spanish more naturally.
    Prerequisite: None
  • Spanish I Novice A - MS

    This course focuses on the introduction and development of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in Spanish at a novice mid level according to the ACTFL standards. The students develop these skills through proficiency-oriented language instruction, which involves providing personalized and comprehensible input through stories, questioning, and readings, so that the brain acquires Spanish more naturally.
    Prerequisite: None
  • Spanish I Novice B - MS

    This course focuses on the introduction and development of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in Spanish at a novice high level according to the ACTFL standards. The students develop these skills through proficiency-oriented language instruction, which involves providing personalized and comprehensible input through stories, questioning, and readings, so that the brain acquires Spanish more naturally.
    Prerequisite: A minimum score of Novice Mid in 2 of 4 sections on the placement test.
  • Spanish II

    This course focuses on the development of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in Spanish at an intermediate level according to the ACTFL standards. The students develop these skills through proficiency-oriented language instruction, which involves providing personalized and comprehensible input through stories, questioning, and readings, so that the brain acquires Spanish more naturally. 
    Prerequisite: Spanish I
  • Spanish II Heritage

    This course is for 9th grade students who are Spanish heritage speakers. The course focuses on mastering proficiency and developing critical thinking. The students in this course will develop their writing skills in Spanish, understand the grammar in context, and broaden their vocabulary.
    Prerequisite: Spanish I Heritage
  • Spanish III

    This course focuses on the development of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills in Spanish at an intermediate high level according to the ACTFL standards. The students develop these skills through proficiency-oriented language instruction, which involves providing personalized and comprehensible input through stories, questioning, and readings, so that the brain acquires Spanish more naturally.
    Prerequisite: Spanish II
  • Spanish IV Honors

    This course focuses on mastering proficiency in the Spanish language and develop critical thinking skills. The students will be able to communicate more effectively in Spanish within personal and professional settings and will gain a better understanding of the Hispanic culture. The class is conducted completely in Spanish.
    Prerequisite: Spanish III Placement is based on departmental approval
  • Spanish V Honors Culture and Literature

    This course offers the student the opportunity to acquire a broad and general appreciation for introductory Spanish Literature, Art and Culture without the AP extensive requirements and in depth literature analysis. It is designed to introduce students to the formal study of a representative body of literature, written in Spanish, from Spain, Latin America and the United States. The course provides students with ongoing and varied opportunities to develop proficiency in Spanish across a full range of skills, with emphasis on critical reading and analytical writing.
    Prerequisite: Spanish IV or AP Spanish Language & Culture Placement is based on departmental approval
MISSION: TMI provides an exceptional education with values based on the teachings of Jesus Christ that challenge motivated students to develop their full potential in service and leadership.

TMI Episcopal admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, sex, religion, and physical ability to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, sex, religion, and physical ability in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and financial aid programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
TMI Episcopal
20955 W. Tejas Trail
San Antonio TX 78257
phone (210) 698-7171
fax (210) 698-0715